Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Casual Sunday Lunch

ニューヨークでとってもユニークなイベントがあったのでご紹介。「A Razor, A Shiny Knife」が主催したA Casual Sunday Lunch というこのイベント、なんと地下鉄の L train 車内でフルコースのランチ。ある日曜日の午後 1:30 にマンハッタンの8th Ave Station を出発、ブルックリンに向かいます。

Photo from The New York Times 

Photo from The New York Times


Photo from The New York Times

Photo from The New York Times


「集合場所は8th Avenue と14th Street の北東の角です。背の高い細身の黒髪の女性が傘をもって立っています。彼女にあなたの名前を知らせてください。彼女の名はMicheleです。彼女はとてもいい人ですが、あなたがどんなに頑張ってもこれからどんなアドベンチャーが待っているかは教えてくれません。」





Let me share with you this crazy event that took place in NY.  It is a full course lunch on the L train!  It is crazy but it looks so much fun.  It must be so hard to organize, but it seems like it went so well and everybody participated enjoyed that event. Below is a part of the article from The New York Times:
“So, is there a dining car?” one of the guests asked, as the group descended into the subway station at 14th Street and Eighth Avenue on Sunday, shortly after 1 p.m.
They had been lured by the promise of a clandestine dining experience. (“Please go to the North East Corner of 8th Ave and 14th St,” read the instructions e-mailed early that morning. “There will be a tall slender woman there with jet black hair who is holding an umbrella. Please just go up and introduce yourself. Her name is Michele and she is quite lovely, but no matter how hard you press she won’t tell you about the adventure you are going on.”)
The event was the work of several supper clubs, and the menu they devised was luxurious: caviar, foie gras and filet mignon, and for dessert, a pyramid of chocolate panna cotta, dusted with gold leaf. All of it was accessible with a MetroCard swipe (Michele handed out single-ride passes) and orchestrated with clockwork precision. The six-course extravaganza took only a half-hour.    
Tickets were $100, but the money was refunded as a sort of good-will adventure gesture. 

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